Healthy Vacation Tips

Vacation is a time to relax, unwind, and leave rigidity and to-do lists behind. Part of the appeal of vacation might be getting a little reckless with food and drink choices because #yolo, right?

I get that. I certainly indulge while I’m away, but I hope to offer a little vacation reframe in this post. The purpose of vacation is, really, to take care of ourselves. It’s an opportunity to rejuvenate and return to the “real world” refreshed and reenergized. But too often, I see people get home with feelings of guilt, suffering from tummy troubles, and struggling to button their pants. If that’s you, I’ve been there. But honestly, I got sick of it. We don’t have to live our life with an all-or-nothing approach. So much of our culture encourages instant gratification rather than the practices that will reward us long-term. 

I want you to return home after a trip feeling better than when you left. Fortunately, there are very simple habits and proactive choices you can make to ensure that vacation is both indulgent and sustainable. If you are ready to embrace a lifestyle that doesn’t have to be tossed aside as soon as you hop aboard an airplane, keep reading. 

Plan Ahead (just a little)

There are a few things I always take with me on vacation that save money and unwanted calories. In my carry-on bag, I always pack beef sticks or beef jerky, single-serve olive packs (from Thrive Market), single serve nut butter packs (Nutzo, and Artisana are great options) or homemade trail mix, and protein powder. 

Hit a Local Grocery Store

As soon as I arrive at my destination, I stock up on some basics. For my recent week-long trip where I had a kitchen, I bought extra virgin olive oil, mixed greens, goat cheese, tomatoes, two dozen eggs, guacamole, Siete nacho chips, apples, kiwis, strawberries, shredded carrots, plain yogurt, prosciutto, grass-fed steak and chicken breasts. My husband and I planned to eat breakfasts and most lunches at home, and it worked out perfectly! It’s so much easier on digestion to have a few home-cooked meals on a long trip, especially if you can pack them with fiber. Most meals you eat out don’t have enough vegetables and fiber, and no one wants to be constipated on vaca…

Lock in breakfast

This is the easiest meal to make at home, and eating a blood sugar-balancing meal is the best way to reduce cravings, maintain weight, and assure that your blood sugar remains stable all day long. Check out this article for more on blood sugar. 

Look for the Three Key

You will, of course, be eating out while away, and you should enjoy it! It’s simple to enjoy restaurant food and balance blood sugar when you select meals with the Three Key. When you scan a menu before deciding to eat at a particular restaurant, simply check for meals that contain a good balance of protein, fat, and fiber. I particularly prioritize protein because that is the most satiating nutrient, it will keep my blood sugar balanced, and fuel me for the longest amount of time. While away recently, I enjoyed meals such as baked oysters, steamed mussels in a white wine and butter sauce, salmon with asparagus and risotto, a cobb salad, mahi mahi tacos (several times), and a steak dish. I avoided naked carbs and beverages with a high sugar content (except for two Piña Coladas because… when in Florida). It’s all about making balanced choices that allow you to indulge, but don’t derail your health intentions.


The water won’t be filtered, the restaurant food will be cooked with industrial seed oils, the produce won’t be organic, the meat or fish might not be pasture-raised and wild-caught, but your body can handle it. Life is so precious. Focus less on the food and drinks and more on the incredible experience of being with loved ones in a special place. 

Happy Traveling!




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